Safety Mats

Buy direct our wide range of Safety Mats.Now selling direct to the Public.

Safety Mats Baby Play Mats

Safety Mats Baby Play Mats

Please ignore prices listed above,correct increase import safety mats prices due to import regulations
Pack of 26 safety mats with alphabet letters Now R195 per pack
Pack of 10 safety mats with number letters Now R95 per pack
Large plain colours safety mats in 56 cm by 56 cm tile sizes in packs of 4 safety mats at only R150 per pack (4 different colours in 1 pack including one side edging)

BCS Importers,Manufacturers and Suppliers – Important Information : Legal Indemnity DisclaimerAll these mats on this webpage has been designed to be used as part of a total fall management program. Please note, that no safety mat or EVA mat can prevent all injuries, as a result of an accidental rolling or falling etc.

There is no guarantee the user will be protected against all injuries as a result of a fall.
Adult or Martial Arts trainer supervision are required with the use of these mats, to provide guidance or mitigate / reduce the risks of serious injuries …as a result of a fall.

The buyer (you ,as the customer) hereby indemnifies the seller (us ,BCS Importers,Manufacturers and Suppliers) ,directly or indirectly or implied of any liability or damages in respect of any injuries or personal injuries in respect of the use of these mats and accept these terms and conditions of sale when buying / acquiring any of these safety mats.

Your invoice or any email correspondence will serve as sufficient evidence of your acceptance of the above terms and conditions,received by hand or electronically via email correspondence or via post.
Please Note : All orders are irrevocable / non refundable in cash and cannot be exchange for alternative products.

Therefore , buy a sample to make an informed decision.

Red and black reversible safety mats in 1 meter square 20 mm with diamond pattern

Red and black reversible safety mats in 1 meter square 20 mm with diamond pattern

Blue and black reversible 1 meter square in 20 mm safety mats

Blue and black reversible 1 meter square in 20 mm safety mats

Our +/- 20 mm safety mats in 1 meter square in diamond pattern is selling now only R 360 per tile with 4 edges for martial arts and large play areas or excellent for baby’s first steps.

Simple and easy calculations: Based on a room size of 2 meter wall and 3 meter wall

Times : 2 x 3 = 6 square meters floor space

If you considers the 1 meter square safety mats,only 6 safety mats tiles would be required.

If one considers the 56 cm x 56 cm square mats tiles.

Based on the room size of 3 meter by 2 meter that amounts to 6 square meters floor space,then 6 square meter floor space x 4 tiles  = 24 safety mats tiles, of the 56 cm x 56cm safety mat tiles.

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