Medical Consumables Desk Screens Shields and Emergency Medical Goods

Buy direct various medical products from BCS Importers,Manufacturers and Suppliers.

Enquire about our wide range from our medical department as listed below,namely Emergency Masks,Gloves,Ventilator consumables,Hando Sanitisers and much much more,see below.

BCS Masks Gloves Hand Sanitizers

BCS Masks Gloves Hand Sanitizers

We still accept orders telephonic and email orders,process and prepare your goods despite the COVID-19 and during the 21 Day LOCKDOWN period,if your order falls within the LOCKDOWN Government Published Regulations (medical supplies).

Desk  Screen Shields Now available in two options:

Standard Desk Screens with standard legs:

Option 1 Size 600 x 500  x 3mm thickness R570

Option 2 Size 1000 x 600 high x 3mm thickness R855
Covid 19 Desk Shields

Covid 19 Desk Shields

High Desk Screen Shields with higher legs,below:
700 x 600 x 5mm thickness R1050
700 x 600 x 4 mm thickness R890
700 x 600 x 3mm thickness R775

High Desk Screen Shields

High Desk Screen Shields

Excellent for bigger counters

Higher Desk Screen Shields

Higher Desk Screen Shields

Front Counter Covid 19 Shields Now available in 2 options:

680 x 750 x 3mm Now R395
680 x 750 x 5mm Now R585
1000 x 750 x 3mm Now R635

Front Desk Shields

Front Desk Shields

Hand Sanitizers in 70 % Alcoholbsse is also available in 50ml ,100ml,1 litre, 5 litre and 25 litres.

Face Shields with comfortable soft foam headrest Now R45

Please Note:

BUYING of Emergency stock  of Surgical HOSPITAL MASK,GLOVES,Ventilator Consumables,Toilet Paper and Hand Sanitizers during the 21 day LOCKDOWN period, email us at  or WhatsApp our BCS medical despatch and sales team at 0677122910 during these challenging times.

Deliveries will still take place however via third party reputable courier services for YOUR Account.

This delivery cost will be discussed,agreed with you and invoice on your order.

Limited Bulk sales will be made to the General Public,Hospital’s,Clinics and Pharmaceutical’s.

As part of our social responsibility, we  will be selling Masks,Gloves and Hand Sanitizers direct to the public,however we got the right to limit quantities.

We do not sell under any circumstances , any other medical equipment or pharmaceutical or dental products,namely needles,catheters, tubes,drainage systems etc. direct to the public.

Cotton Products of 500 units per box (minimum order)

Emergency Kits of 5 units (minimum order)

Hand Sanitizer is available in 50 ml direct to the public (alcohol base).

All other related pharmaceutical products below, with the exception of masks,gloves,sanitizers and cotton products is only available to medical,dental and surgical practices.

Wide range of products in the Surgical,Pharmaceutical, Pre-Packing and Cardiolog Sectors

Wide range of products in the Surgical,Pharmaceutical, Pre-Packing and Cardiolog Sectors

Emergency ventilator consumables to make provision for potential COVID-19 cases, must be ordered in batches of minimum 100  packs due to the LOCKDOWN

BCS Respiratory Products

BCS Respiratory Products

All waste bins must be ordered with minimum quantities of 50  bins.

BCS Medical Disposal Bins

BCS Medical Disposal Bins

BCS Medical Disposal Bins

BCS Medical Disposal Bins

Please Note : We encourage All customers to comply to the LOCKDOWN procedures and as documented to STAY AT HOME (social distancing).

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